Saturday, March 3, 2012

--- so this was my routine ,day in and day out as I was growing. I did learn a lot about Math and Social studies and some other subjects. I don't remember exactly what I learned till I got to fourth grade.I remember that we had final exams at the end of the year and it was very scary time for me because I had to study a lot. When I was in my sixth grade, my mother was transferred to another town called Gwalior which was far from my little town. I remember the house we lived in, it was comparatively big and nice. There was a big, busy road in front of our house. my sister was attending college and for me it was strange feeling to have a smart sister while I was only in the sixth grade. My Mother used to convince me that I was late in my studies because I had very serious Typhoid, and I was down with it for more than forty days. While living in Gwalior, I learned how to make simple clothing's like blouses and shorts etc.
                                    We stayed in Gwalior may be for some three years or so. I was in my sixth grade when my mother was again transferred to. Every body except me went to Indore. My Father's condition was not very good to help in our daily life. He was kind of out of this material world. He would talk to himself and remain quite. My father had a habit of smoking hand made tobacco bedi(a tobacco wrapped in a special dried leaf) When mother got transferred, she put him in the nursing home as it was very difficult for her to take care of four young children and an old father in law. Money wasn't enough(though we never felt it that way as she was trying very hard to provide us every thing we needed). When my mother had to leave gwalior,she left me with one of our aunt to finish my promotion exam. I was with that family for some three weeks and I was counting days to go and join my family. It was kind of first time I had to stay by myself. I understood the value of your own family.
                                     Coming to Indore was all together life changing experience. I started going to an  all Girl's High School and for the first time a green bus would pick us up. As I wanted to become a medical doctor, I started taking Science courses with Biology. We had to learn English, Math, Geography&History and Science.I was very much interested in Music, drama and I socialised a lot with my friends.Life was good for me but very slowly I started realizing that my mother was having very hard times to put us through schools and college. My older brother started his engineering school and it was hard for her to pay his quarterly fees. Poor mother had hardly few saris and only two gold bangles.
That gold would end up in the pawn shop every time his fees would be due. My mother would get up very early and start cooking our lunch for six people, clean the house, get ready,go to work. It was hard life for her and slowly we got aware of it. My older sister would help in the chores and so did I. It was so funny that my older brother who was very responsible and all would never do any household work. He always gave us orders to do this and that for him and strangely we followed him.

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